Results for 'Carlo Lorenzo Cazzullo'

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  1.  6
    Diccionario básico de filosofía.Carlos Lorenzo Lizalde & Andrés Plumed Allueva - 1992 - Zaragoza: Mira Editores. Edited by Andrés Plumed Allueva.
    Voces técnicas mínimas que forman el lenguaje filosófico, extraídas de los libros de Filosofía de Bachillerato, Ética y textos de COU.
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  2. Nota sobre la poesía algorítmica de Ramón Llull.Carlos Lorenzo Lizalde - 1993 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval:95-104.
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  3. Peccato originale e pensiero politico: Machiavelli e l'antropologia cristiana.Carlo Lorenzo Rossetti - 2009 - Gregorianum 90 (3):510-532.
    It is possible to prove a real link between Machiavelli's pessimisitic vision of man and Christian Tradition on sin only through the analysis of two literary Texts, the Capitolo dell'Ambizione and the Esortazione alla penitenza. The Essay offers an historical inquiry on the philosophical-theological background of the Florentine thinker, focusing his Christian inheritance and meanwhile his peculiar secularizing interpretation.
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  4. Review of Nugayev's book "Reconstruction of Scientific Theory Change". [REVIEW]Carlos Lorenzo Lizalde & Rinat M. Nugayev - 1994 - LLULL Revista de la Sociedad Espanola de Historia de Las Ciencias y de Las Tecnicas 17 (32).
    A comprehensible model is proposed aimed at an analysis of the reasons for theory change in science. According to model the origins of scientific revolutions lie not in a clash of fundamental theories with facts, but of “old” research traditions with each other, leading to contradictions that can only be eliminated in a more general theory. The model is illustrated with reference to physics in the early 20th century, the three “old” traditions in this case being linked with Maxwellian electrodynamics, (...)
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    Principles for Object-Linguistic Consequence: from Logical to Irreflexive.Carlo Nicolai & Lorenzo Rossi - 2018 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 47 (3):549-577.
    We discuss the principles for a primitive, object-linguistic notion of consequence proposed by ) that yield a version of Curry’s paradox. We propose and study several strategies to weaken these principles and overcome paradox: all these strategies are based on the intuition that the object-linguistic consequence predicate internalizes whichever meta-linguistic notion of consequence we accept in the first place. To these solutions will correspond different conceptions of consequence. In one possible reading of these principles, they give rise to a notion (...)
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    (1 other version)Systems for Non-Reflexive Consequence.Carlo Nicolai & Lorenzo Rossi - 2023 - Studia Logica 111 (6):947-977.
    Substructural logics and their application to logical and semantic paradoxes have been extensively studied. In the paper, we study theories of naïve consequence and truth based on a non-reflexive logic. We start by investigating the semantics and the proof-theory of a system based on schematic rules for object-linguistic consequence. We then develop a fully compositional theory of truth and consequence in our non-reflexive framework.
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    Cartesianismi, scetticismi, filosofia moderna: studi per Carlo Borghero.Lorenzo Bianchi, Antonella Del Prete, Gianni Paganini & Carlo Borghero (eds.) - 2019 - Firenze: Le lettere.
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    Diccionario básico de filosofía.Carlos Lorenzo Lizalde - 1992 - Zaragoza: Mira Editores. Edited by Andrés Plumed Allueva.
    Voces técnicas mínimas que forman el lenguaje filosófico, extraídas de los libros de Filosofía de Bachillerato, Ética y textos de COU.
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    Historia narrada de la filosofía aragonesa y su relación con la universal: con alguna clave de humor y de sentido musical.Carlos Lorenzo Lizalde - 2002 - Zaragoza: Mira Editores.
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    Sex-Differences in Health-Related Characteristics of Senior Center Users: The VERISAÚDE Study.Laura Lorenzo-López, Rocío López-López, Ana Maseda, Ana Buján, José Luis Rodríguez-Villamil & José Carlos Millán-Calenti - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Voces Del bosque: Entrevero de seres humanos Y árboles en la emergencia de Una nueva comunidad moral en la cordillera Del sur de chile.Juan Carlos Skewes Vodanovic, Lorenzo Palma Morales & Debbie Guerra Maldonado - 2017 - Alpha (Osorno) 45:105-126.
    Resumen: Las cambiantes relaciones entre seres humanos y árboles en los relatos de los habitantes cordilleranos del sur de Chile invitan a revisar los límites de la comunidad moral para incluir en ella a los seres con que se convive y de los que se depende. La presencia de prácticas mapuches cordilleranas de largo aliento junto con las transformaciones experimentadas por las poblaciones madereras y los relatos de las personas que explotaron los árboles nativos se encarnan en conversaciones que invitan (...)
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    Psychological Treatments and Psychotherapies in the Neurorehabilitation of Pain: Evidences and Recommendations from the Italian Consensus Conference on Pain in Neurorehabilitation.Gianluca Castelnuovo, Emanuele M. Giusti, Gian Mauro Manzoni, Donatella Saviola, Arianna Gatti, Samantha Gabrielli, Marco Lacerenza, Giada Pietrabissa, Roberto Cattivelli, Chiara A. M. Spatola, Stefania Corti, Margherita Novelli, Valentina Villa, Andrea Cottini, Carlo Lai, Francesco Pagnini, Lorys Castelli, Mario Tavola, Riccardo Torta, Marco Arreghini, Loredana Zanini, Amelia Brunani, Paolo Capodaglio, Guido E. D'Aniello, Federica Scarpina, Andrea Brioschi, Lorenzo Priano, Alessandro Mauro, Giuseppe Riva, Claudia Repetto, Camillo Regalia, Enrico Molinari, Paolo Notaro, Stefano Paolucci, Giorgio Sandrini, Susan G. Simpson, Brenda Wiederhold & Stefano Tamburin - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  13.  56
    Psychological Considerations in the Assessment and Treatment of Pain in Neurorehabilitation and Psychological Factors Predictive of Therapeutic Response: Evidence and Recommendations from the Italian Consensus Conference on Pain in Neurorehabilitation.Gianluca Castelnuovo, Emanuele M. Giusti, Gian Mauro Manzoni, Donatella Saviola, Arianna Gatti, Samantha Gabrielli, Marco Lacerenza, Giada Pietrabissa, Roberto Cattivelli, Chiara A. M. Spatola, Stefania Corti, Margherita Novelli, Valentina Villa, Andrea Cottini, Carlo Lai, Francesco Pagnini, Lorys Castelli, Mario Tavola, Riccardo Torta, Marco Arreghini, Loredana Zanini, Amelia Brunani, Paolo Capodaglio, Guido E. D'Aniello, Federica Scarpina, Andrea Brioschi, Lorenzo Priano, Alessandro Mauro, Giuseppe Riva, Claudia Repetto, Camillo Regalia, Enrico Molinari, Paolo Notaro, Stefano Paolucci, Giorgio Sandrini, Susan G. Simpson, Brenda Wiederhold & Stefano Tamburin - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  14. Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments (SHAFE) Bridging Innovation to Health Promotion and Health Service Provision.Vincenzo de Luca, Hannah Marston, Leonardo Angelini, Nadia Militeva, Andrzej Klimczuk, Carlo Fabian, Patrizia Papitto, Joana Bernardo, Filipa Ventura, Rosa Silva, Erminia Attaianese, Nilufer Korkmaz, Lorenzo Mercurio, Antonio Maria Rinaldi, Maurizio Gentile, Renato Polverino, Kenneth Bone, Willeke van Staalduinen, Joao Apostolo, Carina Dantas & Maddalena Illario - 2023 - In Andrzej Klimczuk (ed.), Intergenerational Relations: Contemporary Theories, Studies, and Policies. London: IntechOpen. pp. 201–226.
    A number of experiences have demonstrated how digital solutions are effective in improving quality of life (QoL) and health outcomes for older adults. Smart Health Age-Friendly Environments (SHAFE) is a new concept introduced in Europe since 2017 that combines the concept of Age-Friendly Environments with Information Technologies, supported by health and community care to improve the health and disease management of older adults and during the life-course. This chapter aims to provide an initial overview of the experiences available not only (...)
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    The Monitoring of Psychosocial Factors During Hospitalization Before and After Cardiac Surgery Until Discharge From Cardiac Rehabilitation: A Research Protocol.Edward Callus, Silvana Pagliuca, Enrico Giuseppe Bertoldo, Valentina Fiolo, Alun Conrad Jackson, Sara Boveri, Carlo De Vincentiis, Serenella Castelvecchio, Marianna Volpe & Lorenzo Menicanti - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    El hombre como animal cultural en el tratamiento de Carlos París.Lorenzo Peña - 1998 - Isegoría 19:171-182.
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    PEÑA, LORENZO, Hallazgos filosóficos, Ediciones de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Salamanca, 1992, 363 págs.Carlos Gonzalo Nieto - 1993 - Anuario Filosófico 26 (3):750-752.
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    Carlo Lorenzo Rossetti, Platone, la democrazia e la Chiesa ovvero le metamorfosi della Koinonia. [REVIEW]Fernando Pascual - 2019 - Alpha Omega 22 (2):379-380.
  19.  14
    Alta tension: Historia, filosofia, y sociologia de la ciencia: Ensayos en memoria de Thomas Kuhn by Carlos Solis Santos. [REVIEW]Javier de Lorenzo - 2000 - Isis 91:391-392.
  20.  25
    Ethiek en retoriek: Beschouwingen bij een actuele vraag vanuit antieke en middeleeuwse denken.Carlos Steel - 1979 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 41 (3):405 - 432.
    La logique spécifique des jugements de valeur est à chercher dans le discours rhétorique. Cette thèse développée par Ch. Perelman dans L'Empire rhétorique (1977) nous rappelle l'introduction à l'éthique de Jean Buridan (XIVe s.). Selon Buridan la philosophie morale ne peut se contenter d'appliquer la logique générale: elle a besoin d'une logique spéciale, une „logique morale” qui n'est rien autre que la technique persuasive qu'on étudie dans la Rhétorique. Roger Bacon (XlIIe s.) a même essayé d'intégrer cette rhétorique dans l'éthique (...)
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    Benedetto XVI (Joseph Ratzinger), Una nuova cultura per un nuovo uma-nesimo, a cura di Lorenzo Lezzi, Presentazione di Agostino Card. Vallino, Libreria Editrice Vaticana 2011, pp. 168. Francesca Bonicalzi, Paolo Mottana, Carlo Vinti, Jean-Jacques Wunenbur-ger (a cura di), Bachelard e le 'provocazioni'della materia, il melangolo. [REVIEW]Michele Cattane, Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza, Luigi Zanzi & Daniele Chiffi - 2013 - Epistemologia 36:169-171.
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    La verità della parola. [REVIEW]John Protevi - 1989 - Review of Metaphysics 42 (3):612-614.
    Anna Cazzullo, one of the leading young Italian scholars, a student of Carlo Sini, has produced a most useful work on the origins of Western thought on metaphor. Cazzullo begins her La verità della parola with a Borges poem in which the birth of logos, as represented by a conversation between "two Greeks, perhaps Socrates and Parmenides," is accompanied by a suppression of myth and metaphor. This dual gesture, in which philosophy originates through the marginalization of other (...)
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  23. Scritti in onore di Carlo Diano.Carlo Diano (ed.) - 1975 - Bologna: Pàtron.
    Bernardi Perini, G. Aceto italico e poesia luciliana: Hor. Sat. I 7.--Bernardinello, S. Bessarione riassume la Fisica di Aristotele.--Bottecchia, M. E. I Mechanicha di Aristotele nel Parisinus graecus 2507.--Bottin, L. La tradizione araba della Retorica di Aristotele e il problema dell'exemplar decurtatum.--Chiereghin, F. Analogie di struttura tra la metodologia della storiografia filosofica di Platone e di Kant.--Ciani, M. G. Poesia come enigma.--Degani, E. Hippon. fr. 40 Med.--Donaldi, F. Note preparatorie all'edizione dell'Encomio di Elena gorgiano nella traduzione latina inedita di Pietro (...)
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  24. Scritti in onore di Carlo Giacon.Carlo Giacon (ed.) - 1972 - Padova,: Antenore.
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  25. Vetera novis augere: studi in onore di Carlo Giacon per il 25⁰ Convegno degli assistenti universitari del movimento di Gallarate.Carlo Giacon (ed.) - 1982 - [Roma]: La Goliardica.
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  26. Scienza, incivilimento e sviluppo nel Politecnico di C. Carlo.Carlo G. Lacaita - 2005 - In Raffaella Castagnola & Paolo Parachini (eds.), Scienza e cultura italiana. Lugano (CH): G. Casagrande.
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    Dibattito sulla storia: il manifesto di Carlo Ruta e la discussione in Europa e oltre.Carlo Ruta (ed.) - 2020 - [Ragusa]: Edizioni di storia e studi sociali.
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  28. A Refined Propensity Account for GRW Theory.Lorenzo Lorenzetti - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (2):1-20.
    Spontaneous collapse theories of quantum mechanics turn the usual Schrödinger equation into a stochastic dynamical law. In particular, in this paper, I will focus on the GRW theory. Two philosophical issues that can be raised about GRW concern (i) the ontology of the theory, in particular the nature of the wave function and its role within the theory, and (ii) the interpretation of the objective probabilities involved in the dynamics of the theory. During the last years, it has been claimed (...)
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  29. The Simplicity Assumption and Some Implications of the Simulation Argument for our Civilization.Lorenzo Pieri - manuscript
    According to the most common interpretation of the simulation argument, we are very likely to live in an ancestor simulation. It is interesting to ask if some families of simulations are more likely than others inside the space of all simulations. We argue that a natural probability measure is given by computational complexity: easier simulations are more likely to be run. Remarkably this allows us to extract experimental predictions from the fact that we live in a simulation. For instance we (...)
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    AlphaGo, Locked Strategies, and Eco-Cognitive Openness.Lorenzo Magnani - 2019 - Philosophies 4 (1):8.
    Locked and unlocked strategies are at the center of this article, as ways of shedding new light on the cognitive aspects of deep learning machines. The character and the role of these cognitive strategies, which are occurring both in humans and in computational machines, is indeed strictly related to the generation of cognitive outputs, which range from weak to strong level of knowledge creativity. I maintain that these differences lead to important consequences when we analyze computational AI programs, such as (...)
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    Carlo Cattaneo and Varieties of Liberalism.Filippo Sabetti & Carlo G. Lacaita - 2006 - In Civilization and Democracy: The Salvernini Anthology of Cattaneo's Writings. University of Toronto Press. pp. 3-52.
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    How to Model Mechanistic Hierarchies.Lorenzo Casini - 2016 - Philosophy of Science 83 (5):946-958.
    Mechanisms are usually viewed as inherently hierarchical, with lower levels of a mechanism influencing, and decomposing, its higher-level behaviour. In order to adequately draw quantitative predictions from a model of a mechanism, the model needs to capture this hierarchical aspect. The recursive Bayesian network formalism was put forward as a means to model mechanistic hierarchies by decomposing variables. The proposal was recently criticized by Gebharter and Gebharter and Kaiser, who instead propose to decompose arrows. In this paper, I defend the (...)
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  33. Hume, Teleology, and the 'Science of Man'.Lorenzo Greco & Dan O'Brien - 2019 - In William Gibson, Dan O'Brien & Marius Turda (eds.), Teleology and Modernity. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 147-64.
    There are various forms of teleological thinking central to debates in the early modern and modern periods, debates in which David Hume (1711–1776) is a key figure. In the first section, we shall introduce three levels at which teleological considerations have been incorporated into philosophical accounts of man and nature, and sketch Hume’s criticisms of these approaches. In the second section, we turn to Hume’s non-teleological ‘science of man’. In the third section, we show how Hume has an account of (...)
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  34. Natures, ideas, and essentialism in Kant.Lorenzo Spagnesi - 2024 - Synthese 204 (2):1-26.
    Despite recent essentialist approaches to Kant’s laws of nature, it is unclear whether Kant’s critical philosophy is compatible with core tenets of essentialism. In this paper, I first reconstruct Kant’s position by identifying the key metaphysical and epistemological features of his notion of ‘nature’ or ‘essence’. Two theses about natures can be found in the literature, namely that they are noumenal in character (_noumenal thesis_) and that they guide scientific investigation as regulative ideas of reason (_regulative thesis_). I argue that (...)
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  35. Humean Reflections in the Ethics of Bernard Williams.Lorenzo Greco - 2007 - Utilitas 19 (3):312-25.
    In this article, I maintain that the anti-theoretical spirit which pervades Williams's ethics is close to the Humean project of developing and defending an ethics based on sentiments which has its main focus in the virtues. In particular, I argue that there are similar underlying themes which run through the philosophies of Hume and Williams, such as the view that a correct ethical perspective cannot avoid dealing with a broader theory of human nature; the conviction that this inquiry cannot be (...)
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    Migration and Cooperative Infrastructures.Lorenzo Del Savio, Giulia Cavaliere & Matteo Mameli - 2019 - Philosophy and Technology 32 (3):425-444.
    A proper understanding of the moral and political significance of migration requires a focus on global inequalities. More specifically, it requires a focus on those global inequalities that affect people’s ability to participate in the production of economic goods and non-economic goods. We call cooperative infrastructures the complex material and immaterial technologies that allow human beings to cooperate in order to generate human goods. By enabling migrants to access high-quality cooperative infrastructures, migration contributes to the diffusion of technical and socio-political (...)
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    The Face-to-Face Still-Face Paradigm in Clinical Settings: Socio-Emotional Regulation Assessment and Parental Support With Infants With Neurodevelopmental Disabilities.Lorenzo Giusti, Livio Provenzi & Rosario Montirosso - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Conjectures and manipulations: External representations in scientific reasoning.Lorenzo Magnani - 2002 - Mind and Society 3 (1):9-31.
    What I call theoretical abduction (sentential and model-based) certainly illustrates much of what is important in abductive reasoning, especially the objective of selecting and creating a set of hypotheses that are able to dispense good (preferred) explanations of data, but fails to account for many cases of explanations occurring in science or in everyday reasoning when the exploitation of the environment is crucial. The concept of manipulative abduction is devoted to capture the role of action in many interesting situations: action (...)
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    Spinoza in French Philosophy Today.Lorenzo Vinciguerra - 2009 - Philosophy Today 53 (4):422-437.
  40. Kant’s Space of Theoretical Reason and Science: A Perspectival Reading.Lorenzo Spagnesi - 2022 - In Luigi Caranti & Alessandro Pinzani (eds.), Kant and the Problem of Morality: Rethinking the Contemporary World. New York, NY: Routledge Chapman & Hall. pp. 109-135.
    This paper aims to show how Kant’s account of theoretical reason can inform the contemporary debate over unity and pluralism of science. Although the unity of science thesis has been severely criticized in recent decades, I argue that pluralism as the sole epistemic principle guiding science is both too strong and too weak a principle. It is too strong because it does not account for the process of theory unification in science. It is too weak because it does not answer (...)
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  41. Il buon soldato e l’agente virtuoso: Hume e la military glory.Lorenzo Greco - 2014 - In Maurizio Balistreri & Maurizio Mori (eds.), Etica medica nella vita militare: per iniziare una riflessione, vol. 1. Value – Ananke. pp. 107-115.
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    L'io morale: David Hume e l'etica contemporanea.Lorenzo Greco - 2008 - Napoli: Liguori Editore.
  43. Reipublicae administratio extraordinaria: note in margine a un passo della Bibliographia politica di Gabriel Naudé.Lorenzo Bianchi - 2019 - Noctua 6 (1–2):40-74.
    In his Bibliographia politica Naudé reviews in about one hundred pages authors and works that have dealt with politics, from the Antiquity to the first decades of the Seventeenth Century. In few enlightened pages on the ordinary and extraordinary administration of the State, Naudé elaborates his own idea of Reason of State, including the use of an extraordinary administration in the name of the public benefit. We can find a continuity between his Bibliographia politica and his Considérations politiques sur les (...)
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    Model Based Reasoning in Science and Technology. Logical, Epistemological, and Cognitive Issues.Lorenzo Magnani & Claudia Casadio (eds.) - 2006 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
    This book discusses how scientific and other types of cognition make use of models, abduction, and explanatory reasoning in order to produce important or creative changes in theories and concepts. It includes revised contributions presented during the international conference on Model-Based Reasoning (MBR’015), held on June 25-27 in Sestri Levante, Italy. The book is divided into three main parts, the first of which focuses on models, reasoning and representation. It highlights key theoretical concepts from an applied perspective, addressing issues concerning (...)
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  45. Io morale.Lorenzo Greco - 2011 - Aphex 4.
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  46. Preface.Lorenzo Magnani & Nancy J. Nersessian - 2001 - Mind and Society 2 (2):29-32.
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    Beyond the nature-culture dichotomy: a proposal for Evolutionary Aesthetics.Lorenzo Bartalesi & Mariagrazia Portera - 2015 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 8 (1):101-111.
    Human aesthetic preferences towards a certain landscape type, a certain bodily traits of the opposite sex, a figurative style rather than another, are embedded in what we call “aesthetic experience”, a complex network of instinctive reactions, emotions, feelings, thoughts, and judgements. Are these preferences universal and species-specific, that is to say are they the same for every member of a particular species? Evolutionary psychologists advocate the universality and species-specificity of the aesthetic preferences. Going back to Darwin's writings, in particular to (...)
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    Chapter Thirteen. Critical Interventions: Towards a Hermeneutical Rejoinder.Lorenzo C. Simpson - 2014 - In Ming Xie (ed.), The Agon of Interpretations: Towards a Critical Intercultural Hermeneutics. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. pp. 252-274.
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    Wolff's theory of consciousness, re‐examined.Lorenzo Sala - forthcoming - European Journal of Philosophy:e13037.
    In this article, I develop a new account of Wolff's theory of consciousness. In contrast to the received view, I argue that Wolff's texts can be better made sense of by reading ‘perception’ and ‘apperception’ as two radically different acts, each one accounting for radically different aspects of the consciousness of an object and both necessary for its possibility. ‘Perception’ accounts for the intentional component of our representations, that is, for their being about a certain object. Apperception accounts instead for (...)
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    A cross-cultural investigation of email communication in Peninsular Spanish and British English: The role of (in)formality and (in)directness.Nuria Lorenzo-Dus & Patricia Bou-Franch - 2013 - Pragmatics and Society 4 (1):1-25.
    This paper examines the email discursive practices of particular speakers of two different languages, namely Peninsular Spanish and British English. More specifically, our study focuses on (in)formality and (in)directness therein, for these lie at the heart of considerable scholarly debate regarding, respectively (i) the general stylistic drift towards orality and informality in technology-mediated communication, and (ii) the degree of communicative (in)directness - within broader politeness orientations - of speakers of different languages, specifically an orientation towards directness in Peninsular Spanish vis-à-vis (...)
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